We are CoEnzyme
We provide IBM ILOG CPLEX training, consultancy and customization to solve your supply chain optimization problems, in order to optimize your operation efficiency and profitability.
Our Partners

Prescriptive analytics
IBM prescriptive analytics solutions provide organizations in commerce, financial services, healthcare, government and other highly data-intensive industries with a way to analyze data and transform it into recommended actions almost instantaneously

Opta LP
Diagnosis, simulation and optimization
Opta-lp provides solutions for the optimization of logistics, production and resources : diagnosis, simulation, optimization studies and software. Opta-lp experts will provide the best solution to your needs.

Advanced analytics
SmartBP helps you implement advanced analytics in your decision making processes. It offers mathematical optimization solutions that add value to your company from data analysis to reports and optimized action plans.

Consulting, hardware and software services
Multitudine provides consulting services, hardware, software and training for public or private companies in Chile.